God Eat God

Lo, tis the overripe links page! I offer you both comics, straight from my bookmarks list, and a smattering of religion/mythology links for your general amusement and enlightenment.

You can also find banners and buttons to link to God Eat God with, if that's what you like, at the bottom of the page.

The badly-in-need-of-updating comics list, for some more or less mundane giggles:

Daily & mostly-daily - Sluggy Freelance / Sinfest / Funny Farm / Melonpool / Superosity / Look What I Brought Home! / Six Foot Peter / Clan of the Cats / Boy Meets Boy / FLEM! / Fantastical Bestiary / Living in Greytown / Project Squidship / Decorative Edison / When I Grow Up / Bruno the Bandit / Avalon / Alice! / Bob 'n' Ed / ? / Pentasmal / Chopping Block / Soap on a Rope / Daze of Our Lives

Weekly & several-times-weekly - CuteWendy / goats / Absurd Notions / Exploitation Now / Angry People / SMUT! / The Parking Lot is Full / Red Meat / Five / Bob the Angry Flower / Sexy Losers / Orgymania / Fabulous Corpses

The irregulars! - Diary of a Crazed Mimbanite / Supermegatopia / Exploding Dog / Dame Darcy

MIA! - the artists behind these have wandered off into the ether, much to my dismay. Join me in chanting 'updatedamnyouupdate' until they come back.
Gods Playing Poker (4/25)
(Yes, there are others, but I have to re-organize my comics bookmarks first...)

Most of these comics are Keencomics, so stop by the 'Spot and 'Space messageboards to let the artists know. (Say hello if you see me!)

For your amusement and enlightenment, religious references:

Encyclopedia Mythica - a searchable online directory of gods and myths.
The Sympnia Pantheon - a polytheistic page of shrines to various deities.
Mythology at AncientGreece.com - a decent enough reference site, with great links elsewhere.
Haiti: Introduction to Voodoo - I attended a class instructed by the author of this page--he's absolutely fascinating in person.
The Lilith Shrine - an incredible investigation of Lilith in historical perspective and modern POVs.
Kali Mandir - "a loosely-knit group of individuals from various spiritual and ethnic backgrounds who love God in various forms, especially in the form of Kali."
Mother Goddess As Kali - The Feminine Force in Art - a fantastic article on the goddess Kali and her symbolism.

Worldly delights!

Exotic India - paintings, jewelry, sculptures, and more!
Mandarava Metaphysical Jewelry & Gifts - I must admit, decided to link them based on their page of Kali stuff.
Abaxion - occult and new age goods. (Ditto!)
Sacred Source - your source for goddess statues and deity images. (My birthday is November 9th, hint hint.)

Or maybe you want to link to God Eat God? Feel free to use the banner or button below if you'd like, but please download it to your own space. (I'm working on more, but I just suck at this banner/button stuff...)

Banners: God Eat God - a comic of divine proportions
Buttons: God Eat God - a comic of divine proportions

back to God Eat God
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And here are the mokiefied links!
Paper Tigers - back to the homepage with ye, heathen!
mokievision - up the minute mokieness at livejournal
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